Archive for June 2, 2008

ASD universal supports

June 2, 2008

Basic Concepts for supporting ASD students

Universal supports-are they in place?

Visual schedule -individualized

Social support

Functional communication system that the student knows how to use

Modifications and accommodations of materials

Main goals while educating and ASD/Asperger’s student-


Independence (not isolation)

During agitation or frustration stay-




Behavior intervention is positive and consistent

Maintain student’s dignity at all times

Respect the student’s autism at all

times-it won’t go away


June 2, 2008

belle- my brain is going crazy today.

mom- maybe you’re tired or hungry or need to relax?

belle- i don’t know what i am

mom- sometimes our brains aren’t connected to our bodies so we can feel cranky but don’t know why, but there are ways that we can feel calm and happy even if we don’t know why we’re cranky….we can: smile, laugh, walk, rest, go to the bathroom, relax, eat a healthy snack, share something with someone, do a project, cuddle a pet, ride a horse, watch a favorite show

belle- i think i’m cranky because i’m jealous of my cousin because she was sick and got all the attention

me- well you haven’t seen her in months and she hasn’t been sick in a year- i don’t think you can blame it on that. we all have to be responsible for our own feelings, not blame other people for them.

belle- i think i need a rest i’m gonna go lay down.

talking with mom about school

June 2, 2008

belle- mom everyone at school was insane last week

me-well, were they telling you to get to class, follow your schedule and do your work

belle- yeah, but they said it cranky and mean

me-maybe they’re tired of telling you those things?

belle- yeah and they’re probably tired of buying prizes for the contests they have for me- maybe we shouldn’t have any more contests? (very insightful)

conversation about friends

June 2, 2008

Belle-mom i don’t need any friends

me- won’t you be lonely?

belle-no, i have my dogs and my horse. all my friends have changed and they don’t understand me. I want to be the boss and so do they. I told lizzy that the kids at school think i’m wierd and she said no you’re not and then i said are you calling me a liar? 

belle- why would she be like that? i think i’ll give her a few days off- we need a break.