Belle chose to stay in school!!

Belle has a point system at school that clearly reinforces her appropriate behavior. She earns $ in school to trade in for time on computer, early lunch and early dismissal (anything she would be motivated to earn). Her choices have changed each week, but the one thing she always chose was early dismissal on Fridays- until this week. I got a call this Friday morning and, as usual, my heart skipped a beat expecting that not only was she getting out early, but she wasn’t even making it to the usual Friday 12:30 pick up. But the call was happy and positive. The teacher said that Belle was looking forward to using her points to play wii with her peers instead of going home early! WOW that was amazing. I went for a pedicure to celebrate.

Belle arrived home at 2:45 all smiles with a good report on her visual schedule.  She played wii and went to class!

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